Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Episode Online!

Folks and digital followers, surf on over to the Radio Hound Productions homepage to check out the newest episode of the The Stray Dogs Project - "Redux." Click the link, then go to the Stray Dogs Project under the "Projects" tab.

Here are some pictures - Joshua Browns as Francis.

Writer Justin Muschong assists in performing a sound effect.

Josh, Justin, Director Michael Osinski, and Victoria at the table read.
The next episode will be up two weeks from now, and we have some submissions from new writers that will be coming up in July. Exciting times.


JParis said...

Hey Nick. I've been enjoying the photos you post (they're decent quality). It's fun getting some visuals of your adventures. Hope to see more.

JParis said...

Great job on Redux. The sound fx were well done.

Nick said...

Thanks for the compliments, JParis. "Redux" was a challenge in terms of the sound, and I'm really proud of how it all came out.