Wednesday, November 21, 2007


We spent the day in Boise, ID today, looking around the downtown area for a few hours. We learned a little about the large Basque population in Boise, and saw the historic downtown area where all those buildings stand. I also went to a used bookstore and a great used CD/DVD store where I bought a movie. I had a good cup of coffee and a great sandwich, but one of the standouts was the Idado Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial near the river.

This is a photo of the Anne Frank statue at the memorial, and there are also stone monuments carved with excerpts from her diary, as well as inspirational quotes about freedom and injustice from people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Dr. Seuss. It was a very simple memorial, but a very touching one as well. It looks like a quiet night in for me, although I might crack into some recently arrived baked goods....


Anonymous said...

So how were the baked goods? Not bad? Because good is the opposite of bad. So if they were good then they couldn't be baked bads. But if they were bad, then they were baked goods turned bad...

Nick said...

Oh, Jeff... you crazy man, you. They were great. I think all those Golden Hickory prefin fumes have finally gone to your head

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't think I've been exposed to enough fumes! You probably heard Jay quit, yes? Eric and I are just plodding along. A new hire, Ellen, will be joining BP this Monday, so I have the joy of adding her training to the work load! Anyone have a freshly opened can of paint?