Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Episode Online!

(Okay, first let me say that I'm very sorry that two whole weeks have gone by between blog posts, and that the last post and this one are almost exactly the same. But, that being said...)

Check out the newest episode, now online! Surf on over to the RHP homepage to check out the newest episode of The Stray Dogs Project - "Recruitment Drive." Clink the link, then go to the Projects tab, and select Stray Dogs Project.

Here are some pictures from the recording. We have two somewhat posed shots this time around. First is Rob as Evan.

And then Katie taking a break from recording the role of Rachel.

A scene of the table reading with Katie and Rob, as well as director Andrea Pinyan.

And finally, a picture of me as I explain microphone usage. I swear this photo wasn't posed, even though it looks like it could have been.

This episode is the ninth in the series, and our next episode will be online in two weeks, just in time for Father's Day. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

I'm just that good a photographer. :P

(and director, of course. But that goes without saying. Almost.)

JParis said...

Yay, more photos! I guess we can forgive you then for a lack of postings.

JParis said...

Zombies rule! Nick, this one made me laugh. Great job. Can I join Squadron 6?